
Influence of Environmental Factors on Entrepreneurial Intention of Polytechnic Undergraduates in Osun State, Nigeria
Lydia Y. Oludele, PhD, and Tajudeen A. Odetayo, PhD
Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Osun State, Nigeria 

Abstract—The study investigated the influence of environmental factors on the entrepreneurial intention of undergraduates in the polytechnics in Osun State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was employed and the study was conducted among 280 undergraduates selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Three null hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 level of significance. A questionnaire adapted from literature and designed in 4-Likert format was used for data collection. The instrument was subjected to a panel of experts' validation and reliability test for internal consistency of the instrument yielded a Cronbach alpha of 0.79. Data analysis was based on 260 valid responses with the aid of regression analysis, ANOVA, and t-test for unrelated samples using SPSS version 23. The study found that environmental factor has a significant but negative influence on the entrepreneurial intention of polytechnic undergraduates (p<0.05; ꞵ = -.230). The entrepreneurial intention of the undergraduates was found to significantly differ in favor of engineering and management studies (p>0.05; F=224.035). The study concluded that unfavorable business environmental factors negatively influence the entrepreneurial intention of polytechnic undergraduates. The study, therefore recommended that the Government should rise to its responsibility by providing a favorable political and economic environment that would trigger the development of entrepreneurial intention and passion for entrepreneurship in polytechnic undergraduates in particular.

Keywords: Environmental factors, entrepreneurial intention, polytechnic undergraduates.

Influence of Product Development Strategy on Economic Self-Reliance of Entrepreneurs in Art and Culture Industry in Osun State 

Akinbode Sangodapo1*, Lawrence F. Ademiluyi (Ph. D)2 and Woye Olaniran (Ph. D)3

1 & 3 Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Nigeria.

2 Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria.

AbstractThis study is premised on investigating the influence of product development on the economic self-reliance of entrepreneurs in the art and culture industry. The study made use of descriptive survey design. The population size is estimated to be 809 artists and players in the cultural industry registered with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. A structured questionnaire was administered on a sample size of 268 respondents. Researchers were able to retrieve 242 filled copies of questionnaire, this represents a return rate of about 90%. Therefore, 242 stood to be the sample size of the study. Mean rating and standard deviation were used to analyze the tabulated data. An Independent sample t-test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. Results show that entrepreneurs in Osun State employ product development strategy at the exclusion of screening of new product ideas and test marketing of the new products and that both male and female entrepreneurs differ statistically significantly in their responses on product development strategies. The result further revealed that product development strategy is perceived to influence the economic self-reliance of entrepreneurs in the art and culture industry, both urban and rural entrepreneurs differ statistically significantly in their responses. The study recommended that entrepreneurs should always test the marketing phases of the product development plan and give careful consideration to the screening of new product ideas. Further to this, stakeholders in entrepreneurship education should include the significance of product development strategy to the financial viability and independence of enterprises in the formal and informal training programs for aspiring entrepreneurs. 

Keywords: Art and Culture, Economic Self-Reliance, Product Development Strategy, Small Scale Entrepreneur 

Organisational Agility and Performance:

A Study of Osun State Polytechnic Ventures, Iree

Adekunle, O.A.1*, Odebunmi, A.T.1(PhD), Aborisade, F.A.2. and Yusuff, S.A.3.

1Department of Business Administration and Management, Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Osun State, Nigeria.

2Department of Marketing. Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Osun State, Nigeria.

3Department of Banking and Finance, Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Osun State, Nigeria.


Abstract This study assessed the organizational agility and performance of Osun State Polytechnic Ventures Iree by looking into how the venture integrates, builds, and reconfigures internal and external competencies to address rapidly changing business environments. The study used a descriptive survey research design with a quantitative approach to explain the aim of the study to the staff of the venture. The data collected through a questionnaire was analyzed and presented using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The study revealed that organizational agility has a positive effect on the venture. This study concludes that a firm's customer agility, its ability to sense and respond quickly to customer-based opportunities for innovation and competitive action, is critical for survival and success. To encourage top management to be strategically sensitive to contribute to overall firm success, firms should involve all employees in decision-making and ensure that everyone in the organization has a sense of belonging. Finally, the study recommends that ventures should adopt strategies that develop resource fluidity for improved organizational agility to improve their performance.

Keywords: Agility, Capability, Competitiveness, Innovation, Performance. 

Amanyunose A. A. and Olosunde O. O

Department of Food Science & Technology, Osun State Polytechnic Iree, Osun State, Nigeria

The study investigated the effect of the addition of wheat flour with cocoyam and defatted groundnut flour blends for composite flour production. Composite flour was produced from blends of wheat-cocoyam-groundnut flour formulated in the ratio wheat flour: cocoyam flour: groundnut flour: (100:0:0, 90:5:5, 80:10:10, 70:15:15, 60:20:20, 50:25:25, 40:30:30 and 30:35:35). The proximate composition, functional and pasting properties of the composite flour blends was then determined. The protein content of the flour blend ranged from 12.33-29.39% with sample H ((30% wheat flour, 35% cocoyam flour, and 35% groundnut flour) having the highest value. The carbohydrate content of the flour blends decreased with the addition of cocoyam and groundnut flour blends. The water holding capacity of the flour blend ranged from 145.25-186.90%. The oil absorption capacity, swelling power, and bulk density of the flour samples increased with the addition of cocoyam and groundnut flour. However, the pasting viscosity decreased with the increased addition of cocoyam and groundnut flour blends. It was concluded that a composite blend of flour from wheat, cocoyam, and groundnut with satisfactory functional and nutritional values can be produced.

Keywords: Wheat, Cocoyam and Groundnut