Publishing commitment

Thank you for considering Academic World as your publishing partner. Whether you're a journal or book author, we've got you covered. We are dedicated to facilitating the dissemination of scholarly knowledge by offering comprehensive publishing solutions. Our commitment is to uphold the highest standards in academic publishing, ensuring that your research and insights reach a global audience. Our peer-reviewed journals provide a unique platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to contribute and engage in cross-disciplinary conversations, promoting innovation and understanding across diverse fields.

I want to...
publish a book

We offer a range of digital and print products to suit different subject areas, information types, and customer needs. These include textbooks, laboratory manuals, and practical manuals. Although this is not an exhaustive list, the following are the broad subject areas in which we are looking for content or collaborative content:

Computer science
Health Sciences
Ready to submit your manuscript? Our submission process is simple. Download and fill out our book proposal form below:

I want to....

 publish in a journal

Discover the perfect home for your research; our journals provide a reputable platform for scholars like you to showcase their work and make a lasting impact on their field. We invite you to be part of this intellectual journey, where the synergy of science, engineering, management, education, and entrepreneurship creates a tapestry of knowledge. Submit your manuscript and become a contributor to our vibrant interdisciplinary community. Researchers and academics are encouraged to submit their work to interfield journals to contribute to the broader body of knowledge and engage in meaningful discussions that transcend disciplinary boundaries. These journals also serve as valuable resources for professionals seeking to stay updated on the latest developments at the intersection of different fields.

Interdisciplinary Journal of Science and Innovation

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Science and Innovation serves as a scholarly nexus where researchers from diverse scientific fields converge to publish and explore cutting-edge interdisciplinary research, fostering collaboration and advancing innovative solutions at the intersection of various scientific domains.

Engineering and management innovation

The Engineering and Management Integration Journal serves as a pivotal platform, facilitating the crossroads of engineering and management disciplines, where scholars and practitioners converge to contribute and disseminate research that seamlessly integrates engineering principles with effective management strategies, fostering a comprehensive understanding of their interplay and practical applications.

Education and Entrepreneurship Perspectives

Education and Entrepreneurship Perspectives provides an insightful forum where academia intersects with the entrepreneurial realm, offering a space for researchers and practitioners to examine and share perspectives on the dynamic relationship between education and entrepreneurship, ultimately contributing to a nuanced understanding of how these two domains mutually influence and enrich each other.

Journal of Applied Science and Business Management

The Journal of Applied Science and Business Management serves as a scholarly conduit for the practical application of scientific principles within the realm of business, providing a platform for researchers and professionals to share innovative insights, strategies, and empirical studies that bridge the gap between applied science and effective business management practices.

Innovation in Engineering Education Journal 

Innovation in Engineering Education Journal is a specialized publication dedicated to fostering advancements in engineering education, offering a space for educators, researchers, and industry professionals to share and explore innovative pedagogical approaches, curriculum designs, and technological solutions that enhance the teaching and learning experience within the dynamic field of engineering education.

Entrepreneurial Insights in Science and Technology

Entrepreneurial Insights in Science and Technology is a scholarly journal that provides a distinctive platform for the exploration of the intersection between entrepreneurship and advancements in science and technology, offering a valuable space for researchers, entrepreneurs, and industry experts to share insights, case studies, and innovative strategies that catalyze the translation of scientific and technological innovations into entrepreneurial success..

Journal of Management in Science and Engineering

The Journal of Management in Science and Engineering is a dedicated publication at the nexus of management principles and scientific and engineering practices, serving as a vital resource for scholars, practitioners, and decision-makers to engage with research and insights that bridge the gap between effective organizational strategies, project management, and the dynamic landscape of science and engineering disciplines.

Education for Innovation: A Cross-Disciplinary Journal

Education for Innovation: A Cross-Disciplinary Journal is a scholarly outlet designed to bridge educational practices with the imperative for fostering innovation, providing a dedicated space for educators, researchers, and policymakers to share and explore cross-disciplinary approaches that enhance teaching methods, curriculum design, and educational strategies aimed at cultivating a mindset of innovation and creativity across diverse academic fields.

Business and Finance

The  Business and Education Review is a comprehensive journal that serves as a nexus for the integration of  business practices, and educational strategies, offering a platform for academics, professionals, and policymakers to disseminate and explore interdisciplinary perspectives that contribute to the synergy between scientific advancements, business innovation, and educational methodologies, thereby fostering a holistic understanding of the interconnected landscape of science, business, and education.

Innovation in Health Sciences 

Innovation in Health Sciences Journal is a leading scholarly publication dedicated to advancing the frontiers of health sciences through the exploration and dissemination of innovative ideas, research findings, and transformative practices. This journal serves as a dynamic platform for healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers to share and discover novel approaches, technologies, and methodologies that drive innovation in patient care, medical research, and healthcare systems. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, the journal aims to contribute to the continual improvement of health outcomes and the overall progress of the health sciences field.

Guide for authors

Welcome to Academic World Journal, a platform dedicated to promoting high-quality scholarly content in all fields. This guide is designed to assist authors in preparing and submitting their manuscripts for publication. Following these guidelines will ensure a smooth submission process and increase the likelihood of acceptance.

 Manuscripts Preparation

  • Use a standard font, Times New Roman, and size (12 points).
  • Double-space the entire manuscript, including the abstract, references, and figure captions.
  • Set 1-inch margins on all sides.
 1. Title Page
  • Include the title of the manuscript, names and affiliations of all authors, and contact information for the corresponding author.
  • Provide a concise and informative title that reflects the main theme of the paper.
  • Clearly indicate the corresponding author and provide their email address.
 2. Abstract
  • Limit the abstract to 250 words or less.
  • Summarize the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study
  • Avoid abbreviations and references in the abstract.
  • Include 3-5 keywords that accurately represent the content of the manuscript
  • Choose terms that are commonly used in the field.
3. Main Text 
  • Organize the manuscript into sections such as Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion
  • Clearly state the research question or hypothesis
  • Use subsections to improve readability
  • Manuscripts should be of an appropriate length for the subject matter, typically between 6,000 and 10,000 words
4. Citations and References
  • Follow a widely accepted citation style (APA)
  • Ensure consistency in citation style throughout the manuscript.
 5. References
  • Include only relevant and up-to-date references.
  • List references in alphabetical order.
  • Check and verify all citations for accuracy.
 6. Figures and Tables
  • Provide clear and high-quality figures and tables.
  • Number figures and tables consecutively.
  • Include captions that explain the content without reference to the main text
  • Insert figures and tables within the manuscript at appropriate locations.
  • Ensure that all figures and tables are mentioned and discussed in the text.
7. Review and approval
  • Submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process
  • Authors can monitor the status of their submission through their email address
8. Originality and Plagiarism
  • Ensure your submission is original and has not been published elsewhere
  • Adhere to strict ethical standards; plagiarism will result in immediate rejection.
9. Notification of Decision
Authors will be notified of the editorial decision, which may include acceptance, revision, or rejection.
If revisions are requested, authors should promptly address reviewers' comments and resubmit the revised manuscript.

10. Publication Agreement
  • Upon acceptance, authors will be required to sign a publication agreement granting the journal the right to publish the work.
  • Accepted manuscripts will be scheduled for publication based on the journal's editorial calendar
  • Authors will receive a publication date once the final version is accepted.

11. Article processing charge (APC)

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic publishing and ensuring the accessibility and sustainability of our journals. To support the costs associated with manuscript processing, peer review, editorial services, and online hosting and archiving, we have implemented an Article Processing Charge (APC). The Article Processing Charge is set at $150 for each accepted manuscript. This nominal fee is crucial for sustaining the integrity of our academic publishing process, ensuring meticulous peer review, expert editorial services, and the seamless availability of accepted manuscripts through online hosting and archiving.
12. Ethical Considerations:
  (a) Plagiarism
  • Avoid plagiarism by properly citing and referencing all sources.
  • Use plagiarism detection tools such as Turnitin before submission.
  (b). Authorship
  • Clearly define the contributions of each author
  • Obtain consent from all co-authors before submission
 (c) Research Ethics
  • Clearly state adherence to ethical guidelines and provide evidence of ethical approval for studies involving human subjects.
13.  14. Conflict of Interest
  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest in the manuscript.


To ensure a smooth and efficient review process, we kindly request that you follow the submission instructions outlined below:
1. Email Address: Send your manuscript to:
2. Subject Line: Please use a clear and concise subject line 
3. Attachment Format: Ensure your manuscript is attached as a single Microsoft Word or PDF file. Include all text, figures, and tables in the document.
4. Cover Letter: Attach a brief cover letter introducing yourself, explaining the significance of your work, and highlighting any key findings.
5. Author Information: Provide your full name, affiliation, contact details, and any relevant information in the body of the email.
6. Manuscript Formatting: Follow the specific formatting guidelines provided on our website. This may include font type, size, spacing, and citation style.
7. Ethical Compliance: Confirm that your manuscript adheres to ethical standards, including proper citation of sources and compliance with research ethics.
8. Originality: Declare the originality of your work and disclose if any part of the manuscript has been published elsewhere or is under consideration by another publication.
By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute to a streamlined and effective review process. We look forward to receiving your submission and appreciate your commitment to academic excellence.

Contact Information

For inquiries related to the submission process or any other details, please contact our editorial office at

We look forward to receiving your innovative contributions and appreciate your commitment to academic excellence.